Dr Sandra Westland

DProf Existential Psychotherapy, MA Existential Psychotherapy & Counselling, B.Ed, DCAHP. DipEMDR, Advanced PICT Therapist, Qualified Clinical Supervisor (Existential, Integrative) and Group Facilitator.

Founder, Senior Partner & Consultant

Sandra is a UKCP registered Existential Psychotherapist and Counsellor. She has nearing 20 years of experience as a therapist helping people through various difficulties. Her research interests include weight issues, body image, eating disorders and trauma. As an advanced practitioner of Inner Child Therapy, she works with trauma of various kinds experienced from childhood. Sandra has taught, lectured and run workshops across Europe.

Dr Tom Barber

DProf Existential Psychotherapy, MA Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling, DHyp, DipEMDR, Diploma Rogerian Counselling. Qualified Clinical Supervisor (Existential, Integrative) and Group Facilitator.

Founder, Senior Partner & Consultant

Tom is a UKCP registered Existential and Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor. He has over 20 years of experience as a therapist helping people through a vast array of difficulties. His research interests include anger, emotion, and addiction, and he has taught, lectured and run workshops throughout the world, bringing to his practice a deep appreciation of cultural differences.

Recent Blog Posts

Learn different ways to help yourself through Tom and Sandra’s blog posts and articles.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a condition that affects individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. PTSD can result from any type of traumatic event, including but not limited to natural disasters, accidents, violent...

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EMDR Therapy Wherever You Are

EMDR Therapy Wherever You Are

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a revolutionary type of psychotherapy, that has fast grown in popularity, particularly for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it isn’t only trauma that is being helped with EMDR. Using your...

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Addiction – Why Don’t You Just Stop It!?

Addiction – Why Don’t You Just Stop It!?

Have you ever wondered why some people can’t stop doing something, even though it’s not good for them? It may be an addiction to smoking, using drugs, excessive drinking, eating or exercising. Have you ever wondered why you can’t change a habit that you really get...

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