News and Features

In the News

As well as publishing our regular blog on different issues and difficulties that people face in life, and what can help, Dr Tom Barber and Dr Sandra Westland regularly appear in the news.

Below are some of their features and stories, which have been featured in various newspapers, magazines, and radio shows.

How to Overcome Addiction

How to Overcome Addiction: What are the reasons for addiction, and what can help you break free of the cycle?

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

Sigmund Freud (1856-1931), who is seen as the founder of psychotherapy (or psychoanalysis back then), used cocaine himself, becoming addicted through his experiments using the drug to treat other afflictions. The ‘term’ addiction has been prevalent since around 1100. The relationship between drugs, alcohol, and addiction then is not some modern-day phenomena.

If you are compulsively using mind-altering substances, or engaging in activities that give you pleasure, to the detriment of your life, you are considered as suffering from an addiction, or you are ‘substance dependent’.

Find YourLife Purpose

How to Find Your Purpose in Life: What do you do when you realise that you've lost a purpose in life?

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

“I just don’t have any purpose in life anymore!?”

Throughout our lives we are met by challenges, struggles, losses and change. Each event pushes us to think about our lives, and make some kind of sense out of what is happening, even if it is to conclude there is no sense.

You may begin to wonder what indeed life is all about, or come to ask yourself ‘why me?’, ‘why now?’ or ‘what next?’ It can be a subtle experience that creeps up on you.

Eating and Weight Difficulties - News Article

Problematic weight and eating: How can you overcome the constant distraction of food and eating?

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

How often have you heard the following advice?

Just cut down on what you are eating and exercise more, or count calories, only eat so many points, only ‘good’ foods, and don’t sin too much. Maybe follow this diet, or that programme. Have this replacement drink, or take that pill. The search to lose weight, and discover the right diet, can be an all-consuming and demoralising experience.

Find YourLife Purpose

Do You Need an Injection of Happiness and Joy

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

Are you satisfied with life, or do you need an injection of happiness and joy?

Most of us want ourselves and our families to live happy and healthy lives. So, the biggest question of all is, what is happiness, and how do we get it?

Happiness and joy are often thought of as one and the same. Yet they differ in their experience, and so even though this might be our aim in life, the truth can often look different to what we imagine.

Effects of Trauma - News Article

Are You Suffering with the Effects of Trauma? How does talking about it help?

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

After the events in Central London yesterday, you may have been reminded of a trauma you have experienced, or of a time when you witnessed an event that was distressing?

For many people just viewing the distressing scenes on TV of the events unfolding on Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament, has left them upset and anxious.

But have you even thought of these as traumatic events!?

Effects of Trauma - News Article

Are you experiencing ‘Neurotic guilt,’ ‘Normal guilt,’ or ‘Existential guilt’?

Psychologies Magazine Lifelabs

The Three Kinds of Guilt

Sometimes we can feel guilty for the littlest of things, or from imagined wrong doings against another, from long ago. Breaking a wine glass, watching the wrong kind of TV show, being late for an appointment, or thinking that your friend is too loud, are examples of the most mundane of experiences that can elicit guilt from deep within us.

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